Good day to you! Thank you for your interest in my work.
Total of Postings = 1,600 as of 02 May, 2020 (50% are own created Q&A, 50% are Past Year Q&A) *** INCLUDING 2019 ANSWERS!
*D01 - Accounting. I have NOT completed them as I am not proficient enough in Accounting. There are many GOOD Accounting lecturers who can help you on this. Accounting is the easiest paper to pass in Part 1.
Support with WhatsApp Chat Group (LPEPH Exam) - so please give me your mobile number (Hand-Phone) for this purpose!
Actually, the way to study for the Estate Agent Examination by LPEPH (BOVAEP) is to do the past years. However, a big challenge is that there is no model answers. This, a lot of people pay to go for classes at RM5k per part, ie RM10k for the two parts. Despite, the classes do not guarantee passes. Nevertheless, it is at least a starting point. Anyway, I have not taken any classes so I cannot comment. My method is Q&A and I find it effective in all my exams.
I have a question bank of 9 years from 2011 to 2019 - and will continue into the future. In fact, as some answers are related, I have linked them together on the same interface. There are potential topics that are possible as exam questions, so these are created as questions with answers too.
Hence, there are 819 past year questions and answers:
Part 1 Questions for 9 years:-
45 x 9 years = 405.
Part 2 Questions for 9 years:-
46 x 9 years = 414.
Total 405 + 414 = 819
I have (28 March 2020) completed Part 1&2 past year questions 2011-2019 excluding Accounting papers. These questions and answers added to those created on my own reached a whooping 1,600 Q&As!!! These questions and answers are NOW available in this website.
Furthermore, I have included video recordings on:
SUBJECT SUMMARY SERIES - for getting to know what are required areas in the papers.
ALL in ALL, 1600 Q&As and Video Presentations!!!