Final Approval New Firm

Here we are! Finally, the new firm registration comes to an end!

The acceptance of payment for New Firm Registration Fee (RM250.00 for Sole Proprietorship) signifies the firm is formed. There are a few more steps which the Officer in BOARD would have to do, to fully complete the process.

Immediately after making payment of New Firm Registration, you cannot key in Shareholder/Director/Principal or Principal/Employee sections in your firm Bis System. This section is done by Officer of the Board. The process from:

Draft - > Processing Fee - > Verification - > Scheduling - > Approval - > Printing - > Registration Fee - > Complete is now at "Complete".

The Shareholder/Director/Principal page shows:-

my name as entered "Sole Proprietor with 100% equity percentage" and "Active".

In case of a Sdn Bhd E(1), the different equity percentage is shown here, and for partnership E(2), its appropriate  percentage as well.

The tagging done, you will receive an email notifying the change as below:

Now, the system should be able to search the database with the tagging done. See below the search performed under "Member":

The Name of the Registrant is now tagged with the Firm therein, completing the whole process of New Firm Registration.

Final remarks

Some of us will have our names being placed under "Employee List" instead of "Principal List" as below:


However, it does NOT matter as replied from Board is:

"It not issues (There is no difference) when your name is under principal or employee list. As long your name inside that firm."

Under the shareholder/Director/Principal section, it should have shown your position as Soleprop 100%, as most of us are operating E(3) firms. This is how the Bis System capture the registrant and his position in the firm.

Lastly, how much is the total cost of various fees paid in New REA and Firm Registration?

See below a table stating the total amount paid.

Upon registration, the firm will be issued with a Certificate - Authority to Practice as a Firm, in Form O. See below the sample of this Form O.


The Registrar of BOVAEP will also issue a letter of "Conditions of Approval":

And, a Letter of Registration Details under S.23 of the Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents and Property Managers Act, 1981:

Thank you.

Thomas Sim E3009

01 Dec, 2023 (updated 04 Dec, 2023 & received Email of Certificate of Registration 16 Jan, 2024 after request)