21 chapters on Property Investing and Selling Issues, please go here to watch the videos.
This series is particularly important for those doing the Test of Professional Competence (Oral) Examination, as it summarizes the major topics of the Estate Agency Practice in general categories. These categories are Introduction, Basics, Dealings, Vendor, Buyer, Developer, Lawyer, Agent, Banker, Valuer & PM, Landlord, Tenant, Portfolio, Government, Foreigner, IT Platform, IPI, Agent’s Edu, Scams, 3% Exclusive & Summary.
For those who are studying for Part 1 D04 Property Taxation, Part 2, D10 Laws relating to property & D11 Real Estate Agency Practice papers, these videos will help you in understanding the ground practice. It is highly recommended to go through the below video chapters:
- Basics & Dealings (D04 & D10)
- Vendor & Buyer (D04, D11)
- Developer (D04, D10 & D11)
- Banker (D04 & D11)
- Landlord & Tenant (D10 & D11)
- Government (D04, D07 & D11)
- Portfolio (D04)
- Agent's Edu (D08 & D11)