Outside my professional work as Real Estate Person (PEA2066), I am involved with the below Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Organisations:
1. Swk Hospice Soc - Secretary (2010 - 2020), Committee Member (2021 - now)
Hospice work that I am involved with is about terminal ill cancer patients. I am the secretary of Sarawak Hospice Society and its webmaster. I have been involved with this Society from as early as 2009 (10 years ago). The website is at sarawakhospicesociety.org and sarawakhospicesociety.com.
*As most patients are in their last moment of life they do NOT look well. Hence, we respect their wishes not to take photograph. Thus, you will NOT see records of our work much in the website. Unlike other NGOs - which usually exhibit their work in the society for donation, we do NOT have much record of this nature.
Hospital care of cancer patients come to an end when there is no more benefit of medical treatment or further intervention. From this stage onward, patients are taken as palliation. During this stage of terminal care, much is about diet/nutrition and patient comfort.
When cancer patients are told to face death, many choose to go back to their familiar surrounding - home. It is when families do NOT know how to handle them that we come in to help. We call this Hospice Home Care Programme. At appropriate time, we also advise family members to prepare for the final moments of death.
You can read many of our activities in our website.
2. MIEA Sarawak Branch - Committee Member (2019 - 2023), Chairman Elect (March, 2024 - Now)
Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) is a professional body for the community of Real Estate Practitioners in Malaysia. As a Probationary Estate Agent, I am also a committee member (education) for its Sarawak Branch in the beginning and recently (May 2020) been given the responsibility of portfolio in IT (Information Technology) and Research.
By end of 2023, I have elevated to OM (Ordinary Member) as I passed my TPC and gotten my EA Authority to Practice in July, 2023. During MIEA Sarawak Branch AGM on 11 March, 2024, I was elected unopposed as Chairman Elect. Hence, I will be Sarawak Branch Chairman from 2025-2027.
More information can be obtain at MIEA website here.
As the Institute is geared towards promoting continual education and use of IT (Information Technology) - especially during this duration of Movement Control Order (MCO) due to COVID-19, the portfolio of IT is becoming prominent in enhancing its use in our activities. In this portfolio, I am also helping in conducting NCC (Negotiator Certification Course) for its IT module.
Starting from end of 2023, soon after my completion as a Registered Estate Agent, I was accepted as Associate Trainer for MIEA in NCC classes within Sarawak. Since then, I have been conducting classes in Kuching as well as outskirt towns like Miri.
Pictures are available here.
Updated 24 Feb, 2022