Please ask me by email or WhatsApp if you cannot find your answer here.
When are you going to start Part 2 Coaching Session?
03 Feb, 2025 - At this time of writing, I have not started Part 2 Coaching Session yet. It may depend on popular request by you who subscribe to the EstateAgentExam.Com system. Let me know how to provide this extended service to complement the online resource for Part 2. Tentatively, we will start the Part 2 Video-aided learning in March, 2025. It will be a 6 months sessions - Mar to Aug, 2025 for the examination in Sep, 2025.
What are the recent updates to the EstateAgentExam.Com website?
03 Feb, 2025 - From 2020 onward, due to difficulty to obtain questions - BOVAEP refused to release the exam questions, the website has been updated with only questions copied and shared by our members who attended the examination. This is limited in nature, and hence we rely mainly on the old questions to pass the examination.
Notwithstanding, we have started VIDEO-AIDED learning for Part 1. This video-aided learning is the recording of Saturday Coaching Sessions conducted in Kuching as physical class. Soon Part 2 will start in March, 2025.
You have started the Saturday Coaching for 2025 in Kuching, what is it about?
03 Feb, 2025 - Firstly, the examination is not supported outside Klang Valley due to inability of both manpower as well as business feasibility. Indeed, the professional diploma in Estate Agency is not for everyone. There are various reasons, of course. Nevertheless, the major reason is still the availability of supports and teaching staff. Qualified teaching staff is hard to find (RV, REA and RPM are limited outside Klang Valley). To maintain professionalism in delivery of course material is another challenge. We do NOT have tertiary institution in most cities which promote this profession.
Secondly, the sustainability of this academic pursuit is in great challenge. This is because the economic of size and the failure of most candidates to Part 2 having resulted in very few students taking the Part 2 classes. This makes Part 2 class hard to sustain as failing rate in the Part 1 is high. Base on historical data, only 1 out of 3 students in Part 1 eventually proceed to Part 2.
Therefore, there were not many interested candidates taking this examination on a self-study mode. Mainly being technically difficult and partly due to discipline and time commitment. Most cannot carry on with physical attending the classes and finishing the syllabus to sit for the examination.
Due to popular request in Kuching, I was asked to conduct this coaching class on a weekend basis to support the online self-study system of EstateAgentExam.Com. Despite that it has been 10 years, there was never any physical coaching sessions for EstateAgentExam.Com - thus a challenge I took up to complement the online system.
Can we get the materials used for Saturday Coaching?
03 Feb, 2025 - YES! You can subscribe to the enhanced membership for a limited timing. Currently, only Jan, 2025 recordings are free to Part 1 registered subscribers. Go here to watch the video recordings for D01 and D02 Saturday video recordings - this will be taken down after a period of time.
For the 2025 Private Access to the remaining subjects - D04 Tax, D05 Mkt, D03 Eco and D06 BT1, you need to subscribe to be member of the Saturday Coaching Session.
This membership is opened for those attending the Saturday Coaching sessions in Kuching. However, if you are not able to attend the physical class, it is available online with video recordings. This video recordings are restricted to only the members who are in this program irrespective of physical or online. Together, the presentation slides (Google Slides) are shared in Google Drive among the members who have paid for this program. It is at RM350 per month rate, and for 6 months until June, 2025.
For example, if you have subscribed to RM600 package for Part 1, and later on choose to join the Physical Coaching Session on Saturday, the package will be upgraded to the RM350/month program. You only need to pay up the difference. (RM2,100 - RM600 = RM1,500). This is irrespective of your progress in the program/examination.
For example, if you have subscribed to RM600 package from 2024, and you choose to join the Physical Coaching Session (not physically attending the classes as you are outside Kuching) you still pay RM2,100 - RM600 = RM1,500 despite the fact that you might have missed 2 months of classes. This is because our collection of videos is a total 26 sessions - until June, 2025. No matter how early or how late you choose to join the sessions, the number of video recordings are the same. You still have the privilege to access the online material and the Google Drive.
How does it look like in 2025 Private Access?
03 Feb, 2025 - See below screenshot for the content of the Restricted Page "2025 Private Access".
Why do you charge RM1,500 to existing Part 1 Subscribers for 2025 Private Access?
03 Feb, 2025 - For those who have paid for the RM350 per month fee (RM2,100 for 6 months), it would be unfair to give access to others who have not paid for the fee. Hence, I would prefer it being an option for existing subscribers of Part 1 to "upgrade" to the same level as those Saturday Coaching Session members. Nevertheless, it is only voluntary, not compulsory - see below Q&A.
Can I just choose to subscribe to RM600 for Part 1?
03 Feb, 2025 - Of course! You can choose to just go with the RM600 subscription of reading the past years without watching the video recordings. However, it would be much simpler and easier to understand the subject if you choose to watch the video recordings.
The video recordings were done to explain the complicated concepts in the most simple manner. There are also many examples given to understand the complex subject matters - e.g. law, tax and marketing. You have a faster progress compared to studying by yourself.
Another way is you could choose the self-study mode first. Later on, if you find it difficult, you may upgrade to the Saturday Coaching Package with Video Recordings and Google Drive access. The switching cost is just a RM1,500 additional charge.
If we start the Part 2 Coaching Session, same will be introduced.
BELOW are the older Q&As.
When are you going to have the 2020/2021 Questions and Answers?
03 Feb, 2025 - BOVAEP has rejected the appeal to release the questions after 2020 examination. Hence, there is no release of questions after 2019. Which means, 2020 - 2024 questions in the circulation are "unofficial" and likely constructed based on remnant memories of students who sat for the examination.
27 Jan, 2022 - The 2020 Examination was held 10 Jan - 12 Jan, 2022. 2021 Examination will be held on 08 Mar - 10 Mar, 2022. Both year of questions will need to be purchased from Board as this round, the examination did NOT allow candidates to take out the papers. We will wait to get the questions from the Board and as soon as we get hold of the questions, we will provide suggested answers.
When are you going to have the 2019 Questions and Answers?
The 2019 Questions had been uploaded. Their answers are available in from 28 March, 2020 upon subscription. Answers were done during MCO.
What’s your return policy?
There is FREE Trial Membership, you subscribe to the website as a FREE SUBSCRIBER. This allows some familiarization of the website navigation and gain some areas of the Video Summary Series and D01 Principles of Accounting. However, FREE SUBSCRIBER trial period will not be accessible to read the restricted content. It is due to previous incidence that the restricted materials were copied and circulated without the permission of the author yet the perpetrator demanded refund.
Do you allow oversea subscription?
Yes. However, as the examination is subject to local regulation and legal environment in Malaysia, which means the materials in this website is not applicable overseas. Although there should not be any boundaries on knowledge, it's you own personal choice to apply this knowledge in another legal jurisdiction.
The materials used here are from public domain. In other words, it is as if you are getting information from the Internet, which is of no limitation as to geographical location.
Do you have customer service?
We have WhatsApp group "LPEPH Exam" which serves as a platform for exchange of discussion. Support also can be done directly by messaging the me - Admin.
Further services will later be introduced in the future. It will depend on the demand for this subscription website.
Do you give membership access just for 1 subject?
At best, "No". However, upon popular demand, I have given single subject at RM250 for Part 1 and RM300 for Part 2. You are recommended to subscribe to Junior or Senior packages for more subjects. Senior package has all the three law related subjects together in Part 2.
This is because of the 3 - attempt rule which means the best strategy to pass this exam is to take all 6 subjects in the first attempt.
How about retaking some subjects in Part 1? (Added 01 Nov, 2020)
Many candidates will find this examination hard to pass in the first examination (Part 1). This is no surprise, hence you do not need to feel disappointed. In fact, my personal journey in Part 1 took me 3 attempts. See my result here. It can be related to insufficient experience in examination strategy or other personal conditions. This can include language proficiency, use of key words, approach to the examination (due to long idle) or family/work matters.
To cover this frequent occurrence, there are various combinations of subjects for retaking the examination. There are Junior or Senior packages for more or less subjects. For example, when a candidate is sitting in Part 1 and wanting to prepare for some other subjects in Part 2, Senior package has all the three law related subjects together in Part 2. When retaking Part 1 subjects in subsequent year, the same package (Senior) can be used to revisit the Part 1 subjects (by renewal of the membership subscription), while preparing for the future subjects in Part 2.
The other method is choosing the Junior package which consists of D02 Law, D04 Tax and D05 Mkt which could be the subjects to be retaken. Furthermore, a new method is now possible!
This is the "Retake and Prepare Packages" in the "Membership Explained" Table. The subjects can be taken in combinations of single or more Part 1 subjects and some Part 2 subjects. The aim of this approach is to enable candidates to study (about 5 months from Sep - Jan) while waiting for results.
If I just need to retake 1 or 2 subjects in Part 2? (Added 01 Nov, 2020)
This is a common scenario as well. Candidate in Part 2 might retake some tough subjects in Part 2 for second or third attempt. Part 2 can also be taken in 3 attempts within 4 years. Hence, some might not want to do it as 6 subjects in a single attempt. This means some candidates might want to split the subjects into two separate "groups" so as to reduce study load.
This is now possible with the "Retake and Prepare Packages" in the "Membership Explained" Table. The Part 2 subjects could be taken in loose manner to accommodate the strategy to get ready for the next attempt.
If I have already gained access to FREE Trial, why should I pay for membership?
There are many videos and "2019 answers explained" series for viewing and easier understanding - these are under subscription. The Paid Membership is access to Past Year Q&A, whereas FREE Trial is to give you a guide in the working of this website. All the past year suggested answers are under subscription only.
Do I have to register for FREE Trial if I select Paid Membership?
Everybody is encourage to register for FREE Trial in order to go through the "Free Courses".
Nevertheless, you can choose to stay as FREE Trial without paying for the membership level. In such case, your FREE Trial period will expire in 14 days.
However, if you choose to sign up with Paid Membership, the membership commences the moment you receive an email indicating it.
Take for example, if you have signed up for FREE Trial and at the same time paid for Part 1 membership, your Part 1 membership period commences the moment that you receive the email indicating it.
The 14 days 'Free Trial' is converted to 'Money Back' if you choose not to continue the subscription within this 14 days. In other words, the 'Cool-Off' period is still 14 days.
Can I convert the remaining duration of one membership to another membership?
No. This is difficult to calculate and allocate.
For example, you have signed up for Part 1 in March, and by July exam the same year, you have completed the Part 1 exam. By August, you would decide to move to Part 2. In this case, you should have opted for Senior or Part 1 & 2 Membership instead of just Part 1.
Similarly, if your did not prepare well some subjects in the earlier attempt and wish to retake the subjects in the next examination, you might want to consider using the "Retake and Prepare Packages" in the "Membership Explained" Table. This enable you to retake some tough subjects in a "loose manner".
Do I get to access future past year questions?
Yes! Every year exam questions will be updated in the website. Although I cannot guarantee the timely upload of the suggested answers, it will be our continual afford to win subscribers by doing so.
For example, you have signed up for membership in middle of March. It would expire in March the following year. The July exam questions will be uploaded to the website and suggested answers be inserted for your continual learning.
Imagine you bought 5 books from a bookstore. After reading them within a month, you go back to the bookstore and ask for a refund because you said, you do NOT read them anymore. Is it fair to the bookstore? So, similarly, there is no refund for subscription to estateagentexam.com.