The Syllabus in General

The Syllabus

Old syllabus has 6 papers per part, and the Written Examination has Part 1 and Part 2, to be attempted as a step-wise manner - meaning Part 2 can only be attempted when Part 1 is cleared.

However, The Board is reviewing its Written Examination structure and had proposed to the Parliament to amend the Act so that the subjects be combined into 11 papers and allowable to be attempted in one sitting. This proposal has not been gazetted during the time of writing. Thus, both structure of syllabus are shown below.

In summary, the combined papers are Building Technology I & II, hence making the total number 11 instead of 12. Furthermore, the names of some papers had changed. "Valuation" becomes "Property Investment & Valuation", "Estate Agency Law" becomes "Professional Practice".

See below picture for the various papers. Go to LPPEH for updates on Syllabus.

(as of 20th October, 2013)

(The numbering system is my own, and not that of LPPEH)